Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a Legal Entity under Private Law, it operates under a special law The Chambers of Commerce and Industry Law and is financially independent, free from any influence from the state.
The PCCI was founded in 1952 under the name “Paphos Federation of Trade & Industry”, and in 1963 a new structure was adopted, which remains in operation to date, under the name of: “Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, and joined the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) power. The CCCI is the federation of the local Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCIs) which operate in Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos. The membership of the CCCI exceeds 8,000 enterprises from the whole spectrum of business activity. Affiliated to it are more than 140 Professional Associations from the trade, industry and services sectors.
The basic objective of the local Chambers and CCCI is to safeguard and steadily develop the Cyprus Economy in order to continuously improve the standard of living and prosperity of all the people of Cyprus. This objective outlines and determines the policy of the Local Chambers and CCCI and their activities which aim at offering high quality services to members, including:
• Promotion of the interests of the business community, within the framework of the broader interests of Cyprus and the welfare of its people.
• Strengthening of private initiative which constitutes the backbone of the economy while safeguarding and promoting, at the same time, the liberal character of the economic system of Cyprus.
• Being abreast of the economic developments and maximising the contribution of the business community to the country’s progress.
• Contributing towards continuous and balanced growth nationwide, within the framework of the European Union.
Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires
IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003.
The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values.
One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes.
IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks.
Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.
Girona Chamber of Commerce
The Girona Chamber of Commerce, which was created in 1889 and where 65,000 SMEs are registered, is a corporation governed by public law which advises and collaborates with the public authorities in the province of Girona. Tourism and industry —in particular the food and chemical industries— stand out as the economic engines of the province. Girona’s economy managed to maintain a position of leadership in the creation of companies in Catalonia until 2017.
The chamber strives to improve the competitiveness of the business and economic fabric of the counties of Girona. It provides companies with resources to boost business and to facilitate the continuous improvement of their management and staff. Moreover, it offers advice on finding new customers and markets, and on digitalisation strategies, etc.
The chamber is divided into various departments, of which we would like to highlight the following:
The goal of the Business Development Area is to walk companies through the process of developing their ideas, offering them guidance, advice and training in the various stages of the process. The main services offered are: personalised expert advice and guidance; information on types of business organisation, administrative paperwork and financial resources, among others; support in drawing up their business plan and mediation in gaining access to funding; and specific training for entrepreneurs.
Digital Kompass
Digital Kompass is an organization that works in the field of digitalization for young people and adults both for the design of AI software and programs and to provide education especially for disadvantaged groups. The main activity is the development of software tailored to the needs of beneficiaries, designed in accordance with the development of the market and consumer behaviors. DK's concern is to always develop, to understand behavioral profiles in order to build and offer the best digital solutions, it is concerned that the development of technological solutions is born through codesign methodologies and user-generated thinking. A multidisciplinary group of Digital Kompass collaborators completed a survey involving different age groups to identify how familiar people are with digitalization, especially those who have not had access to digital education so far and what their needs would be digitization.
Organization for promotion of European Issues
The Organization for Promotion of European Issues (OPEI) is an educational, extrovert, and innovative NGO located in the region of Paphos, Cyprus which pays attention on the issues such as social inclusion, education, environmental protection, culture and youth. OPEI has in recent years provided its expertise and assistance to enable local communities to overcome social and economic disparities of disadvantaged social groups by developing specific and innovative solutions. OPEI constitutes of several professionals such as trainers, consultants, psychologists, social workers, teachers and other associates that contribute towards achieving the organisational main objectives. These associates offer volunteering and training services in soft skills and support the welfare services of the rural communities, especially when these include Individuals, Groups, and Communities. Through the development of our volunteering activities, we have enabled people to develop skills and capacities in which under different circumstances they would not have the ability to do so, as they have managed to develop the feeling of belongingness, inclusion, innovation, and creativity. The organization also has experience in hosting students from EU countries and operates a hosting facility where students can come and have a comfortable and safe environment during their stay. We host more than 800 people every year in Paphos in different EU projects.
Igor Vitale International
Igor Vitale International Srl is a small and medium sized enterprise specialized in applied
psychology services in several fields of intervention including: Clinical, and Work & organizational
Located in Foggia with approximately the 25% of Agriculture Enterprises according the the
Provincial Chamber of Commerce, and prevalent presence of Tourism and Craftsmanship
enterprises; and according to Istat one of the Italian provinces with highest predominance of rural
areas. IVI srl developed specialized in the Applied Psychology for the Development of Agri-Food,
Tourism and Craftsmanship companies through Psychometrics Test Assessment, Training and
1) Marketing and Development of micro-businesses in rural areas through services in presence
and online
2) Ethical labelling of Food, Tourism, Craftsmanship Products and Services
3) Leadership Training for Managers and Supervisors in rural areas
4) Work & Organizational Psychology applied in Food, Tourism, Craftsmanship Products and
5) Clinical and Health Services, support to individuals, families, groups and company; testing,
evaluation and support for psychological health
6) Ethical marketing and Videomaking
7) Applied Psychology for supporting the Green Transition in Schools, Universities and
CIRCLE is an NGO established in 2017 by a group of practitioners with more than 20 years of experience in an international environment in the field of entrepreneurship, education and training to serve as a platform for international collaborative networks to facilitate cross-border projects.
Members and staff of CIRCLE share expereince in the definition and implementation of projects for the promotion of international and cultural exchanges, European integration, training planning and delivery, networking, project management, entrepreneurship and business development.
As a non formal training provider and partner in some Erasmus projects, CIRCLE develops and delivers various training and empowerment courses, mainly targeting women, youth, entrepreneurs-to-be, geographically and economically disadvantaged groups.
Specific experience was gained in Erasmus projects focusing on reducing the digital divide in rural and disadvantaged areas, and in boosting entrepreneurial spirit in young farmers from remote areas. As a consequence of the pandemic, on line courses were also developed, allowing CIRCLE to get experienced in this area, too.
CIRCLE is also active in the development and deployment of awareness and visibility campaigns to reach various categories of stakeholders such as policy makers, academia and research community and civil society at large. Awareness and information campaigns relate to the specific aspects of European integration with a view to entice proactive participation from partners within the European and extra European territory.
Action Synergy
Action Synergy S.A. is an training and knowledge- based applications organization which is actively involved in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses.
Action Synergy S.A. disposes a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects. Since its foundation in 1986 the organisation has participated in a considerable number of EU educational projects, such as COMETT, PETRA, SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI, ADAPT, TEMPUS, PHARE, Distance learning, LLP, ERASMUS+.
Key areas of expertise:
- Organisation of education activities for the social inclusion of vulnerable target groups
- Organisation of teacher trainings in relation with innovative training methods - Management, organisation and planning of transnational European projects focusing on education and training
- Creation of links between Universities and enterprises aiming at the technological and regional development
- Organisation of Mobility Projects
- Organisation of eLearning and online learning courses - Organisation of courses related with the development of the employability of young people
- Promotion and organization of Life Long Learning and continuous training programmes
- Development of synergies at local, national and transnational level
- Learning needs analysis - Development of courses and modules making use of innovative methodologies such as: open/flexible learning methodologies such as open/flexible learning methodologies, e-learning ICTs
- Quality Assurance Our organisation is working a lot with the people with disabilities and especially for their inclusion in the labour market. Here you can have a look at the recent projects we have implemented in the field